Discrepancy: Transformer Rectifier #3 shows voltage but no amps with aircraft power on.
Possible Fix: R1, R2, or R326 Relay, C145 or C20 circuit breaker.
Tip: Check the C145 “Bat Bus Cont Auto” circuit breaker on the P6-5 for power (located just below GCU’s)if no power is there go back to the C20 “Bat bus” breaker.
If power is available at the C145 on the load side, you can go to the R1 relay and verify power and ground is available to the relay and it is closing. R1 is in the lowest P6 panel.
If that relay appears to be operating go on to the next relay R326, and verify power is making it to the Bat Bus,
Reason/Explanation: TR3 powers the Bat Bus during normal operation if this relay network is bad the TR can be producing power but that power would not make it to the Bat Bus.
Applicable Reference: SSM 24-30-00, WDM 24-32-01, 24-31-11
Thanks to Tom S. for his input !