P5 overhead panel attachment bracket cracked

We had several aircraft on the flightline (especially -700’s) where the P5 overhead panel was a “little loose” on one of the lower corners. Exactly were the quick-fastener is located. Further investigation showed a totally broken attachment bracket of the P5 receptacle in which the fastener should be attached. It was hardly noticeable for the crew that the P5 panel was hanging a little lower on one side. Of course, as the P5 panel is then only hold up with the fastener on the other side, and as a last rescue, the manual-release hook in the middle, you can imagine that this situation was a nogo. The bracket had to be replaced for a new one. Its the bracket with p/n BACR11AV5R of BACR11X5 see IPC 25-11-21-10 or 10A, part of the bracket assy 232A1304-20 (in our IPC, yours may be different due to different effectivities.) I heard that a SB or SN is issued for a stronger bracket design but didn’t find anyting yet so far. If you know more pls email me so i can update this article.

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