Never use these documents and files for 737 or 787 maintenance!
737 Engine related :
- MEC trim sheets, for easy use when adjusting and testing the MEC. 737-3/4/500
- FANblade balance sheets, for fanblade registering and (re)-balancing purposes. 737-ALL
- CIT + T2 sensor test sheet, CIT sensor and T2 sensor testsheet. 737-3/4/500
- Idle control explained, -3 engine idle control system sheet. 737-3/4/500
- ACCELL and MPA test NG tables, MPA and accell test tables. 737-6/7/8/900
- MPA calculation file, for 737 classic (CFM56-3 engines). 737-3/4/500
- MPA calculation file, for 737 NG (CFM56-7 engines). 737-6/7/8/900
- Groundrun notepad sheets, easy printable notepads for groundruns. 737-ALL
- Bleed system check form to fill in during groundrun. 737-3/4/500
- Bleed system check form to fill in during groundrun. 737-6/7/8/900
- CSD change kit. List of parts needed for a CSD change. 737-3/4/500
737 Aircraft general :
- Rigpins rigpins versus toolnumber table.
- Hydraulic distribution card where is system A, B or Stby pressure available? 737-3/4/500
- Circuitbreaker list PG, all cb’s listed with their position.737-3/4/500
- Circuitbreaker list NG, all cb’s listed with their position. 737-6/7/8/900
- Partnumber list but always check your IPC ! (partly
- Flight control balance weight calculator to calculate balance weights after a PAINT job.
- Flight control balance weight calculator to calculate after a REPAIR job.
- Station diagram overview NG Very handy when walking around the a/c. 737-6/7/8/900
- Fuselage Station diagram 737-300 To indicate your fuselage damages easier. 737-300
- Fuselage Station diagram 737-400 To indicate your fuselage damages easier. 737-400
- Fuselage Station diagram 737-500 To indicate your fuselage damages easier. 737-500
- Fuselage Station diagram 737-700 To indicate your fuselage damages easier. 737-700
- Fuselage Station diagram 737-800 To indicate your fuselage damages easier. 737-800
- Fuselage Station diagram 737-900 To indicate your fuselage damages easier. 737-900
- FWD cargo door station diagram To indicate the cargo-door damages easier. 737-NG
- Convert 1 converts lots of data to any format you want.
- Convert 2 almost same as 1, this one has torque conversions.
- Conversiontable inches <> mm, in thousands of inches.
- FMC training program, nice FMC training trial.
737 MP3 Cockpit sounds:
- Autopilot disconnect.MP3
- Cockpit sounds – general.MP3
- Callouts.MP3
- Clacker.MP3
- Fire alarm.MP3
- GPWS long test.MP3
- GPWS short test.MP3
- Stickshaker.MP3
- Takeoff warning.MP3
- Warning Bank angle.MP3
- Warning Don’t sink.MP3
- Warning Gear.MP3
- Warning Glide slope.MP3
- Warning Pull up.MP3
- Warning Windshear.MP3
- Weather Radar test.MP3