Test procedure 490°F switch (Shop procedure different from AMM!) 737-ALL

Test procedure  490°F switch:
1.     Preheat to 510°F.
2.     Decrease temperature to 455°F.
3.     Slowly increase temperature to 500°F.
4.     Stabilize temperature for ~ 7 minutes.

In this time or during the temperature
increase action the switch has to close.

5.     Slowly decrease temperature to 470°F.
6.     Stabilize temperature for ~ 7 minutes.

In this time or during the temperature
decrease action the switch has to open

-Switch close limits 490 –5 +10°F.

-Switch open limits 470°F minimum.


Test procedure  490°F switch:  

1.     Preheat to 510°F.

2.     Decrease temperature to 455°F.

3.     Slowly increase temperature to 500°F.

4.     Stabilize temperature for ~ 7 minutes.

In this time or during the temperature
increase action the switch has to close.

5.     Slowly decrease temperature to 470°F.

6.     Stabilize temperature for ~ 7 minutes.

In this time or during the temperature
decrease action the switch has to open

-Switch close limits 490 –5 +10°F.

-Switch open limits 470°F minimum.

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